This will weaken his power with soap.
Stinky Le monke is a bad monke and a celeberity. His life is full of bad things, he grew up in a zoo in a town. His mother never knew him and he did not konw her. All his life he has been sad but as he grew older he grew angry with the world and learnd of the stinky way of never washing to unlock his full potentional.With this new knowlege he grew to become the most stinky monke in the world and rule it.Because of being so stinky and full of power he is able to eat as much as he wants and still live even being 1 sun mass and still not destroy the earth.He currently resides in Jungle Thick More on Jungle Thick.Stinky Le Monke has many enemys he has made along the way, they include Adolf Hitler, batman, Emperor Hirohito, Joe Biden,and many more.He has a sound track written by himself is is terrifying and horrendous.
This all about stinky le monke